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The new cardiopulmonary resuscitation board designed by U of A researchers has a raised piece in the centre that puts pressure on the sternum of COVID-19 patients lying prone, making it easier for health-care professionals to perform CPR properly. (Image: Matthew J Douma, Ella MacKenzie and Peter G. Brindley, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

U of A group designs better CPR board for resuscitating COVID-19 patients

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A potential need sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic has inspired an Edmonton team of clinicians and academics to build a better cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) board for use in emergency departments and intensive care units (ICUs).

Because of COVID-19’s attack on the lungs, many patients in emergency departments and intensive care are placed on their bellies (prone position) as they seem to oxygenate better in that position. Currently, though, there is no formal guidance for clinicians on how to best resuscitate a patient who suffers a cardiac arrest while prone….


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