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Postdoctoral fellow Corby Fink, PhD, works inside the Level 3 biocontainment lab as part of Western’s ImPaKT facility.

ImPaKT team expands COVID-19 research to target variants of concern

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As variants of concern continue to drive COVID-19 transmission around the globe, researchers at Western’s Imaging Pathogens for Knowledge Translation (ImPaKT) Facility are shifting their work toward understanding how to target them.

“The biggest concern is that the vaccines we are using right now might not provide full protection against current and future variants of concern,” said Eric Arts, PhD, professor and Canada research chair in HIV pathogenesis and viral control at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. “If those start breaking through, we need to be prepared with new vaccine derivatives and therapeutics, and ensure that all the systems that we are using to protect people currently still work effectively against the variants….”

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