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Heat and methylene blue with light activation shown to decontaminate N95 respirators and medical masks without affecting performance.

Researchers confirm how to decontaminate and reuse masks during COVID-19 pandemic

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An international study involving University of Alberta researchers has revealed two effective ways to sterilize disposable masks, potentially allowing them to be reused by health-care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in areas with limited resources.

The study, led out of the University of Colorado and involving an international consortium of researchers, offers health authorities clear steps they can use to safely and cost-effectively sterilize personal protective equipment (PPE)….

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This article is only available in French. Lésion de la moelle épinière: stimuler la plasticité des neurones pour améliorer la [...]
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A comprehensive study by scientists at UdeM maps the evolutionary dynamics and risks of viral emergence of diseases that could [...]
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This article is available only in French. Infections respiratoires: mieux trier les patients pour soulager la pression sur les urgences [...]