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Ways to manage the medical, social and economic costs, write Loren Falkenberg, Haskayne School of Business, and colleague in Conversation Canada

A second COVID-19 wave? Here are six lessons from the first

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As COVID-19 spread across the globe, governments looked to epidemiologists to slow its transmission.

Without a vaccine, large-scale testing capacity and sufficient critical-care beds, epidemiologists pushed countries to enact social distancing measures and to lock down economies. These policies saved lives and bought time to better understand the virus…..

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This article is only available in French. Lésion de la moelle épinière: stimuler la plasticité des neurones pour améliorer la [...]
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A comprehensive study by scientists at UdeM maps the evolutionary dynamics and risks of viral emergence of diseases that could [...]
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This article is available only in French. Infections respiratoires: mieux trier les patients pour soulager la pression sur les urgences [...]