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Sitting, a form of sedentary behaviour (along with lying down and reclining), is one of the most prevalent, habitual and ‘invisible’ behaviours we perform. We sit in nearly every aspect of our lives from eating to commuting and working to screen time and more.

Sitting more during COVID-19 hurting your health

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With the Canadian government continuing to recommend physical distancing measures, many people are finding themselves confined to their homes more than ever before. While some are citing the benefits of being able to work from home and having time for self-care, the closures of recreational facilities and commercial gyms make physical distancing a barrier to physical activity for many…..

Read More Impact Stories

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This article is only available in French. Lésion de la moelle épinière: stimuler la plasticité des neurones pour améliorer la [...]
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A comprehensive study by scientists at UdeM maps the evolutionary dynamics and risks of viral emergence of diseases that could [...]
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This article is available only in French. Infections respiratoires: mieux trier les patients pour soulager la pression sur les urgences [...]