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The Queen’s Archives is using Archive-It to make an online record of COVID-19 that is open to anyone.

Chronicling COVID-19 for future researchers

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The Queen’s Archives is compiling digital materials that document the pandemic’s impact on the university and the community.

Stretching back 179 years, Queen’s past has been marked by the effects of Canadian Confederation, two world wars, the Spanish Flu of 1918, and many other historical events. But the current novel coronavirus pandemic is now creating a chapter unlike any other in its history….

Read More Impact Stories

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This article is only available in French. Lésion de la moelle épinière: stimuler la plasticité des neurones pour améliorer la [...]
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A comprehensive study by scientists at UdeM maps the evolutionary dynamics and risks of viral emergence of diseases that could [...]
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This article is available only in French. Infections respiratoires: mieux trier les patients pour soulager la pression sur les urgences [...]