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The Patient Navigator mirrors the provincial online self-assessment questions, with an added layer of triage by a patient’s primary-care provider or an on-call provider if they don’t normally have access to primary care.

‘Digital shield’ offers physically distant triage tool

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Family Medicine professor Dr. Daniel Pepe describes it as “a digital shield” – a virtual COVID-19 triage tool designed to protect health-care workers while providing rapid care for patients now in use across Southwestern Ontario….

Read More Impact Stories

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This article is only available in French. Lésion de la moelle épinière: stimuler la plasticité des neurones pour améliorer la [...]
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A comprehensive study by scientists at UdeM maps the evolutionary dynamics and risks of viral emergence of diseases that could [...]
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This article is available only in French. Infections respiratoires: mieux trier les patients pour soulager la pression sur les urgences [...]