Canada’s Leading Research Universities

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Press release – U15 Canada and German U15 sign agreement on long-term strategic collaboration

August 30, 2023 (OTTAWA, ON) – U15 Canada and the German U15, representing leading research-intensive universities in both Canada and Germany, have signed a new cooperation agreement with the goal of supporting closer ties between researchers and universities in the two countries.

The agreement was reached at the conclusion of two days of meetings between senior heads from universities in both countries, where discussions focused on finding pathways for greater collaboration between universities at a time of growing uncertainty around the world. The joint statement underlined the important role of university collaboration between countries with shared values in building a successful, prosperous and inclusive future.

The agreement includes a commitment to deepen exchanges between the two associations through the sharing of best practices, enhancing consultation on emerging issues and the joint formulation of science policy. A first key focus of this expanded partnership will be exploring the role of universities in tackling climate change.

Reflecting ongoing negotiations with the European Union towards Canada’s participation in the Horizon Europe funding program, both associations expressed their eager anticipation for a successful agreement towards a fundamental mechanism in Canada-Germany research cooperation.

“U15 universities in Canada are home to top researchers who are shaping world-leading research in their fields. Our universities are internationally facing, with strong partnerships and where Canadian research is having an outsized impact on how we tackle the pressing questions of our time” said Chad Gaffield, CEO of U15 Canada. “This agreement represents the next step in forging closer international collaboration amongst the top research universities in Canada and Germany. Our hope is that by working closely together, we can continue to deliver research which is of real value to both Canada and Germany.”

“Science and research depend on exchange and cooperation across national borders. The first bilateral meeting between our two associations was a resounding success” said Prof. Dr Georg Krausch, Chair of German U15 and President of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

“I am very pleased that we will be working together even more closely and strategically in the future. The universities of U15 Canada are scientific powerhouses and are among the global leaders in future-oriented and cutting-edge research fields. Moreover, we share the same values – a factor that is becoming increasingly important in view of the current geopolitical dynamics. Overall, the meeting holds great potential to further strengthen the cooperation between research-intensive universities in both countries”, said Dr. Krausch.

About U15 Canada

The U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities is a collective of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities. Although each institution advances its own research and education mandate, U15 Canada works for the collective interest of all our members. We foster the development and delivery of long-term, sustainable higher education and research policy, in Canada and around the world.

About German U15

The German U15 represents 15 leading research-intensive universities, which are among the most academically distinguished and internationally renowned institutions of the German science system. The German U15 are dedicated to outstanding research and excellent teaching and take active responsibility for society and the advancement of academic values and trust in science. The German U15 advocates for best conditions for university-based research, teaching, and transfer activities.

For further information, please contact:

James Hammond, Senior Advisor, Public Affairs



23-08-30 – Press Release – Joint Declaration, Canada and German U15


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