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U15 Welcomes Announcement of Canada Research Coordinating Committee

Ottawa, ON (October 27, 2017) – The U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities welcomes the announcement of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee by Ministers Duncan and Petitpas Taylor.

“The U15 applauds the creation of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee. The Committee is an important part of improving coordination and reinvigorating Canada’s fundamental science system. It will help ensure that Canada’s scientists and scholars are able to undertake the research that ultimately leads to a better quality of life and a stronger economy for Canadians,” said U15 Chair Dr. Guy Breton, Rector of the University of Montreal. “The Fundamental Science Review that Science Minister Kirsty Duncan commissioned and released last spring provides a roadmap for strengthening Canada’s research ecosystem. We look forward to working with the government to continue to implement the other elements of the Fundamental Science Review.”


Statements & Releases

December 13, 2017
Ottawa, ON (December 13, 2017) – The U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities welcomes Science Minister Kirsty Duncan’s announcement today of the first Canada 150 Research [...]
November 2, 2017
Ottawa, ON (November 2, 2017) – Today Minister Kirsty Duncan announced changes to the Canada Research Chairs program that would limit the number of renewals. [...]
September 26, 2017
Ottawa, ON – September 26, 2017 – The U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities welcomes the appointment of Dr. Mona Nemer as Canada’s Chief Science [...]